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Terrarium accessories in the Maxi Zoo Terrarium shop
Everything the reptilian heart desires
To ensure that your terrarium animals feel completely at home, you not only need a fully equipped terrarium with the right technology, but the right reptile food and accessories are also indispensable for species-appropriate husbandry. You will find customised terrarium accessories and supplies for your pets in our comprehensive Terra range. Have fun in our terrarium shop!
What must be considered when selecting the right technology for the terrarium?
A terrarium serves as a habitat for many species of reptiles, insects, spiders and amphibians. Each species makes different demands on its environment and depends on the light and temperature conditions that prevail in its natural habitat. So find out in advance about the species appropriate climate of your pet. You will find the right terrarium accessories and technology in our shop.
The optimal climate inside the terrarium is essentially created by appropriate terrarium lighting, heating elements & sprinkler systems. The special lamps can not only provide the necessary brightness but, depending on the model, also cover the heat requirement and emit UV light. The regulation of humidity is just as important as the temperature. You can keep a permanent eye on the climatic conditions with a thermometer and hygrometer. If there is an imbalance, special humidifiers restore the ideal conditions.
Which reptile feed is ideal for your pet?
Keeping reptiles and amphibians in a species appropriate manner requires not only the right climate, but also the right food. Here, a distinction can be made between frozen food, ready-made food and live food, which should always be healthy and of high quality. Most terrarium animals, like lizards and geckos, prefer protein-rich foods, and crickets are not only tasty but also stimulate the hunting instinct. Frozen food, on the other hand, does not include insects, but shock-frozen animals such as mice or rats, which are particularly suitable for feeding to snakes. Although this does not cater to the hunting instinct of your animal, frozen food has a particularly long shelf life and can be defrosted as required. You will also find a selection of supplements, feeding accessories as well as dishes, water bowls and drinking fountains.
How do you find the right terrarium fittings and accessories?
The substrate is particularly important when setting up the terrarium. It forms the basis for the species appropriate environment of your pet and must be adapted to the respective animal species. It not only absorbs the excrement of the animals, but because it stores heat and water when needed, it contributes significantly to the ideal terrarium climate. Choose the right product for you from our wide range of high-quality substrate.
With the right terrarium decoration, you can also make your reptile feel like it is in its original environment. Cliffs, caves or rocks provide climbing opportunities and the necessary hideaways and retreats. Artificial plants and other terrarium accessories for decoration complete the impression of a real desert or tropical landscape and create a particularly exotic flair in your living room.
What aspects must be taken into account when maintaining the terrarium?
Another important point in terrarium keeping is the cleaning of the living space. This includes the regular cleaning of the glass panes and removal of excreta in the substrate and on the fittings. This prevents the formation of bacteria and diseases. In our terrarium shop, you will find the appropriate cleaning accessories to gently clean the environment of your reptiles.
Daily maintenance includes cleaning the food and water bowls. The same applies to the removal of droppings. The windows should also be cleaned regularly. It is important to use warm water only and that your animals do not come into contact with any cleaning agents. The substrate, on the other hand, should be replaced at least once a year, or more frequently, if necessary. A complete cleaning and disinfection of the terrarium is also recommended every twelve months.